What have we been doing? We have been doing SO MUCH that we barely have time to blog, and that is a good thing.
On 3/31 we were proud to bring the magical of Jerry Garcia and his art to a special livestream concert in conjunction with The History of Diving Museum in Islamorada, Florida. We livestreamed a livestream of Rainbow Full of Sound, one of the best Grateful Dead tribute bands around. We danced, sang, and played with trippy particles in the event venue in The Keys, a scale model of the real Florida Keys in Neverworld. Read Thriza's excellent blog about the experience here. https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2023/03/deadheads-on-neverworld.html Thank you all who came and more events very soon!
In early April The Hypergrid Safari visited our new sim Virtual Recall, a walkthrough of the original 1990 series. Click the info boxes to guide your tour pick up freebies all over .. most themed to Mars and get your a** to Mars citizen! Check out the info on the Hypergrid safari facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/hgsafari/ and here https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2023/04/virtual-recall-welcome-to-mars.html
We are working on a new cyberpunk sim called Neo Rome! We have custom avatars to give away, animesh chariots and all sorts of other goodies in the works! It will be opened soon. Keep checking as our facebook pages are the place to discover what's new.
So if you are sick of sit ins on just Another Mediocre Venue, come to where the cool builders are and life is better with free land, nice people, events, and most of all tons of home made freebies ALL Over. And no drama! No cliques... no bs allowed
Coming soon - a bunch of new classic avatars, easiest for newcomers to opensim and with that peace love and happiness spirit A short video of the pre release is below.
Our new calendar is live on the website. Check it out!
And last but not least, join the NEVER Riders Group! A weekly cycle tour of the Keys and the continent, millions of meters of integrated roads and towns.
When you are done with your sit in come to Neverworld and create without mercy.
sign up here hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002