This is a staple in modern design and this Ikea styled Klippen sofa will fit in many spaces.
This set comes with the 3 prim sofa and all textures. There are six custom baked textures for the sofa . Also included is materials for the sofa and a silver texture for the legs as well s the shadow texture. And, the texture switcher script.
Upload the sofa and the textures. Load the specular and normal in the proper spots for the sofa prim if desired. Load the sofa textures into the root prim and the texture switcher script.
Now click your sofa to switch textures. Comes with linen, beige, navy stars, black, modern swirl and gray. You can resize the sofa and add sit animations if desired. Enjoy!
Klippen Modern Sofa/Six Textures Materials and switcher script